The Game Changer
The trials of 2020 may not have abated for many of us but hope as always propels us to look forward to the new year with renewed vigour and determination. Perhaps the changes you would like to make this year sound exactly like the resolutions that you made a year ago. To lose weight, to exercise more, to cut down on screen time, to eat more healthily, the list goes on. But how can you ensure that you are actually able to stick to the changes you have envisioned for yourself as the year wears on?
By creating new habits.
Creating new habits can often be daunting and takes time and energy. A new behavior does not become automatic overnight. However, if you determine to stick to it without caving in, you may be able to enjoy some of the benefits fairly early on. For instance, if you start engaging in a stress soothing practice or sign up for a fitness class and are compelled to stop for some reason, your body might go into withdrawal mode and you will not feel very good. This often works as a great incentive to keep going. So, keep prodding yourself in the direction you would like to go and try following some of these simple tips to help you create long lasting change.
Dream Big. Go beyond your comfort levels when setting goals. Ambitious goals are compelling. Have you always wanted to compete in a marathon or triathlon? Or lose 20 Kgs? Go for it! With perseverance, encouragement and support you can do it. A bold initiative also often inspires others around you. Some may help in practical ways such as by training with you or helping in tasks you normally handle in order to free up your time. Others may simply cheer you on giving you the much needed positive support.
Break big dreams into small and set small goals. Unhealthy behaviour like overeating or smoking result in giving immediate pleasure. They also come at a cost. So, when you are considering a change, take the time to think it through. You boost your chance of success when the balance tips in favour of adopting a new behaviour rather than sticking to the old one. Engaging in enjoyable aspects of an unhealthy behaviour without giving in to the behaviour itself helps too. For instance, if you enjoy taking a break while having a smoke, take the break but find healthier ways to enjoy it ,like taking a short walk around the neighbourhood to distract your mind. Or if stress reduction is one of the challenges you would like to address this year, instead of signing up for a meditation class right away, you might simply want to diffuse some calming essential oils in your home to create a spa like ambience. This will at least help in taking you forward in the right direction.
Write it down and commit to yourself. Make yourself accountable through a written promise to yourself in a journal. Take a few minutes each day to set your intention for the day and include people you don’t want to let down in the promise such as your spouse or a loved one. This will encourage you to keep going even when you hit a plateau. You might even consider posting your commitment on social media by creating a Facebook page to form an online support group.
Reward yourself. If you are trying to lose weight don’t wait till you have lost every unwanted ounce. Health changes are often very gradual. Encourage yourself to keep going by pausing to acknowledge success as you start ticking off the changes, big and small on your journey towards accomplishing your goal. Give yourself a pat in the back for every extra kilometre you walk. Treat yourself to an activity you enjoy like going for a massage or fixing a movie night with a friend. Celebrating small victories is imperative to keep you motivated especially if you want to make a lasting change.
Learn from the past. Whenever you fail to make a change, consider it a step forward towards your goal. When you hit a roadblock, take a moment to think about what worked and didn’t work for you in the past. If an hour of exercise is too much for you to do at one go, break it up into brief segments which you can do throughout the day. This will create a manageable foundation for you to build on and will also relieve the stress of committing to a fixed time slot all at one go. Similarly, If your challenge was too big in the past, you might consider scaling back now.
Gratitude. Thank yourself for what you are able to accomplish every day. Be kind to yourself and stop focusing on perfection. If your goal is competing in the marathon, set your sights on finishing it. You might not be able to even run it in its entirety but if you are determined to compete you will be a winner even if you end up walking as much as you run.
Any activity is better than none. You will still benefit from doing less than you would have liked. If your goal for today was a 30-minute workout at the gym but you were only able to squeeze in 10 minutes, feel grateful for that. Tomorrow might be a better day!
It is essential that you recognize that making changes to your lifestyle can have a dramatic and positive effect on your overall health. Incorporating regular exercise along with quality nutrition are good starting points for anyone wanting to improve their overall wellness. So, stop procrastinating and make 2021 the game changer!
If you would like help to guide you on the path of better health and wellness sign up for a free consultation at